Fold Flat Colander Offers Up Cupboard Space

Fold Flat Colanders Really Do Give You More Space

Fold-Flat-Colanders[Updated 1 June 2020]You might think there’s little to post or write about the humble fold flat colander, but if like me you’re someone who’s desperate to combat their chaotic kitchen and save precious cupboard space, these ‘now you see it – now you don’t’ colanders are a spectacular success.

Standard colanders like the one pictured here don’t look out of place hanging up if you can find the space on a wall, but boy do they take a big chunk of space out of cupboards or sitting on your shelf.

Fold flat colanders come in a huge variety of colors, different shapes and different sizes, some you can double up on and use as a steamer bowl, others are more flimsy. Mostly this type of space-saving colander is going to be made of silicone because it’s so flexible, but Squish colanders are made from plastic – I think!

One final point to mention is quality – it is tempting to get yourself a $1 deal – and I’m sure some of them work great. However, personal experience has shown not all of them are as obliging – do you really want your collapsible colander collapsing at just the wrong moment? It makes a real mess and that’s for sure.

So Which Is The Best Flat Folding Collapsible Colander?

I guess the flippant answer is the one that suits your needs best  –  on this occasion it also happens to be the truth, though there are one or two stand out’s for quality and price.

Squish Colanders Squash Flat – In Three Sizes

Squish-Colanders-Squash-FlatSquish as the name implies, specialize in kitchen equipment that folds flat. Different sizes and different colors, these colanders are a gorgeous addition to any kitchen and they take up minimum space to store when not in use.

Other items in the range include mixing bowls, measuring spoons, piping kits and an over the sink chopping board – all deliciously colored and incredibly compact when squished!

A lot of my colleagues have small kids and a big mortgage, so they take the least expensive vacation option – camper van or trailer tent. Unsurprisingly this range is incredibly popular with them because they are unbeatable for very small kitchen areas.

Do they work well? Yes, absolutely – colleagues who have one (or more) say they are every bit as efficient as a standard colander, they keep their shape and wash up easily.

There is just one point to mention with Squish products, they are made from FDA approved materials which are dishwasher safe but not microwavable – meaning plastic, not silicone. As it happens plastic adds rigidity to any construction like this and they hold their shape really well when in use – as mentioned earlier, some collapse without warning.


The Joseph Joseph Folding Colander

Joseph-Folding-ColanderI love the clever design of this rectangular colander and have one in lime green to match the rest of the lime green kitchen accessories adorning our shelves and cupboards.

It has numerous little hinge brackety things which snap-lock the base and four sides neatly into a rigid and robust colander.

Because it collapses down totally flat again, storage is easy and it will tuck onto shelves or into a draw. This particular colander isn’t the biggest and I don’t use it for mega-prep sessions when drying or freezing, neither does it contain nor control slippery cooked pasta!


The first time that little maneuver was tried the spaghetti took on a life of its own – it shot in one side, out the other twice as fast – and went straight down the sink! The colander didn’t collapse, but the kids did with laughter!

You live and learn as they say and I’ve now also got an Oxo good grips which is bigger and more appropriate for a whopping pile of pasta. But for anyone who needs to save space and wants a more rigid colander, I do highly recommend this one.

They can stain from strong curry spices or tomatoes, but a little diluted bleach will bring them back up as good as new until they get to the point where basically sandblasting won’t get the stains out! Same goes for all the silicone colanders or plastic for that matter. Mine is beginning to wear a bit now and it is more orangy’ colored which makes it look yucky – but it’s been used one heck of a lot!

Will I buy another again – Yes definitely, because it really is a useful space save which performs the job you want it to very well and it’s proved really robust over several years of regular use.

Oxo Good Grips  Collapsible Colander

Oxo-Good-Grips-Collapsible-ColanderAs with most of the gadgets in her kitchen, my sister favors the Kitchenaid brand but they don’t do a flat fold colander and like us, her cupboards are straining!

Reluctantly levered away from Kitchenaid, Fay uses the Oxo Good Grips Collapsible Colander, which let’s be honest, you aren’t going to buy for its fresh spring colors, but equally, you won’t lose your pasta…

Should you be looking for a large tough colander that never collapses on you when you don’t want it to, takes very little storage space and folds right down flat to pop in a draw, then the Oxo Good Grips range provides a perfect product – such a shame about the color option!


Folding Colander By Rosie

Folding-Colander-By-RosieGood quality shows – I’ve only just found this colander by Rosie whilst writing this post  – loving the stainless steel top and base which will make this a more rigid kitchen tool in use.

These come in several different colors (red, black and sunshine yellow) so you can get a match for your other accessories – mine being lime green wouldn’t look so cool with purple, but this is a great color and the black is very stylish.

These are several different size options from 12″ to 8″ and this quality item is the most expensive I’ve found, but it does look to be about the best quality fold flat colander around – unless you know better – in which case please tell me!

Last but not least, Chef n’ also make several flat fold colanders in different shapes and sizes including collapsible skimming spoons pictured just below – Chef n’ products are usually good quality, reliable in use and we use them at school not only because of the bright cheerful colors but because the products are really robust.

My Pick Having thoroughly investigated these magic little kitchen space savers, I’ve come to the conclusion that if you go for one with a bit of quality so it stays in shape during use, the only other issue is choosing the right size.

Joseph-Folding-ColanderI love my lime green Joseph colander because it’s perfect to take into the veg plot for holding freshly picked produce – it then looks really good sitting on the counter filled with fresh tomatoes.

Sadly it is too small for draining large quantities of anything safely, so unless only cooking for one or maybe two people, I’d advise you to consider the largest of the Squish flat folding colanders in bright pumpkin orange, or the Oxo good grips in less than cheerful grey – they aren’t on show after all.

The link below will take you to a selection of those featured plus some not mentioned, so you can compare prices more easily.

Is Space In Your Kitchen A Problem Generally?

If your problem is space in a cramped kitchen, don’t forget to read the post on  Kitchen Organization Idea and Small Kitchen Solutions – there’s plenty of ways you can get things hanging up rather than taking space in cupboards, plus more compact storage ideas.

I hope you found this helpful but if you have any questions – or can recommend a flat fold colander to others, then drop the details below and I’ll get back to you within a day, often faster.